Community-Based Services
Bridge Program
The Bridge Program at SLS provides uniquely designed, community-based services and supports to individuals in their own home or local community. These services are intended to increase the individuals’ independence and achieve the goals and dreams developed by the individual and support team. Services provided to adults 18 years of age and older, with a diagnosis of an intellectual disability. Services provided in the Bridge Program INclude
In-Home and Community Supports
This service is intended to support individuals who are living in their own home or with their family. Bridge Program staff will assist the individual with learning and maintaining the skills to be as independent as possible. This service can also be provided in the community to sharpen social skills, develop relationships, create volunteer opportunities, and acquire other necessary skills.
Community Participation Supports
Individuals who choose to receive Community Participation Supports are encouraged to explore the community, identify and participate in volunteering or employment opportunities, and learn independent living skills. This service is provided exclusively in the community.
Companion Service
SLS provides companion service when an individual needs supervision in order to protect their health and safety. This service typically occurs when the primary caregiver is not available for specific periods of time throughout the day or night and the individual is considered to be at risk. This service is typically provided in a private home setting.
For more information please get in touch with us today.